One thing that jobs in the public sector all seem to have in common (common to all of the places I have worked in anyway) is their love of long, boring meetings. If you can say it in an e-mail, in a few words or in a quick meeting, then it will be said in a long painful meeting. There will be power-point (or death by power-point as it is known here). There will be handouts which will languish for years at the bottom of our drawers. There will always be one person who has to speak up at “any other business”. And I will spend the whole hour(s) stifling yawns.
The yawning is rude enough, what’s worse is my tendency to daydream. I lack the ability to concentrate on one thing for long (a product of my pop-culture and sound-bite obsessed, fast-paced, shallow cultural upbringing) unless it is really incredibly absorbing (my lunch). It’s mortifying to sit there trying to concentrate only to zone out without realising and zone back in ten minutes later without having taken in a word.
So here’s my list of top ten things to do in a meeting:
1) Practise my drawing. I can’t even doodle, but I fancy myself (in my dreams) as an artist.
2) Day-dream, free-associate and let your mind wander and see what it tells you. Just don’t get caught.
3) Write up your to-do list (work, home, chores, things you just haven’t got round to)
4) Think up henna patterns (much like 1)
5) Plan your dinner (and tomorrows)
6) Pull faces at your colleagues, wink at them. Just don’t get caught.
7) Do some brain-storming/mind-mapping for ideas for your blog, book, crafts or
8) Watch the black spot in my vision, if I look at it, it drifts across the room.
9) Stretch your toes
10) Look at other people's shoes
The yawning is rude enough, what’s worse is my tendency to daydream. I lack the ability to concentrate on one thing for long (a product of my pop-culture and sound-bite obsessed, fast-paced, shallow cultural upbringing) unless it is really incredibly absorbing (my lunch). It’s mortifying to sit there trying to concentrate only to zone out without realising and zone back in ten minutes later without having taken in a word.
So here’s my list of top ten things to do in a meeting:
1) Practise my drawing. I can’t even doodle, but I fancy myself (in my dreams) as an artist.
2) Day-dream, free-associate and let your mind wander and see what it tells you. Just don’t get caught.
3) Write up your to-do list (work, home, chores, things you just haven’t got round to)
4) Think up henna patterns (much like 1)
5) Plan your dinner (and tomorrows)
6) Pull faces at your colleagues, wink at them. Just don’t get caught.
7) Do some brain-storming/mind-mapping for ideas for your blog, book, crafts or
8) Watch the black spot in my vision, if I look at it, it drifts across the room.
9) Stretch your toes
10) Look at other people's shoes
Just off to a meeting.

"I'm never bored anywhere; being bored is an insult to oneself." - Jules Renard
ReplyDeleteThat was funnee...!
ReplyDeleteSalaam Umm Salihah, this is a great blog you've got here. So many things to enjoy. Another idea what to do at boring meetings: take your laptop in with and write on your blog ;)
ReplyDeleteAssalam Alaikum,
ReplyDeleteThe joys of working from meetings :-) Hop over to Sketched Soul - - the sister has a Ramadaan Swap. You might be interested?! Maybe you should post some of your doodles? ...
ReplyDeleteKooky is not making sense (as usual)
Salaams Sister Indyana,
glad you liked.
Not a bad idea Sister Yafiah,
but I'd never get away with it. I'd be the only one who looks like they're concentrating in a room full of dazed people.
Assalam-alaikam Sister Umm Nassim
Jazakh'Allah-khairun for the Ramadan Swap idea. I loveit. I'll have to think of something if I want to enter. What about you, going to enter?