I meant to post some links around the first day of Dhul-Hajj but events overtook me. I have brought up with the importance of fasting during the first ten days of Dhul-Hajj imparted to me and my Dad never missed fasting during these days. The month of hajj reminds me of the white robes of ihram, of renewal and purification and of yearning – both to see Ar-Rahman’s (SWT) House and the cleanse ourselves of the sins we accumulate against our soul. One of the four scared months in Islam, even if we cannot perform hajj during this month, we can engage in other forms of ibadah (worship) to make the most of it.
I have found the following articles helpful in learning more:
Article about the 10 days of Dhul-Hajj
Article about good deeds to engage in during the first ten days of this month.
Article about virtues of the 10 days Of HajjThe first 10 days of Zul Hijjah: why they matter
I have found the following articles helpful in learning more:
Article about the 10 days of Dhul-Hajj
Article about good deeds to engage in during the first ten days of this month.
Article about virtues of the 10 days Of HajjThe first 10 days of Zul Hijjah: why they matter
The First Ten Days of Zul-Hijjah by Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullah
Ibn 'Abbas (radiAllahu anhu) reported that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said: "There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days." The people asked, "Not even jihad for the sake of Allah?" He said, "Not even jihad for the sake of Allah except in the case of a man who went out to fight giving himself and his wealth up for the cause, and came back with nothing." ~ Bukhari
Ibn Umar (radiAllahu anhu) reported that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said: "There are no days greater in the sight of Allaah and in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Him than these ten days, so during this time recite a great deal of Tahleel (Lailaha illAllah) Takbeer and Tahmeed." ~ Ahmad

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