Any Age
Stories of the Prophets (Qisas-al-Anbiyah)
Stories of the Sahabah (Qisas-al-Sahaabah)
Fazail-e-Amaal – The section with stories about child Sahabiat
These are especially great when read by parents and then re-told in simple language.
From Baby
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle – a classic that every child loves
Sad Dog, Happy Dog by Sam Lloyd
Chimp and Zee by Catherine and Lawrence Anholt

From Age 5
Cat in the Hat and others by Dr Suess
A Life Like Mine by Unicef -pricey, but Little Man can look at the pictures forever.
Willy the Wimp and Willy the Champ by William Browne - all beautifully illustrated wonderful stories (my favourite of all I think)
Any of the Charlie and Lola books by Lauren Child – very funny with the loveliest big brother ever in Charlie.
You Choose by Pippa Goodhart - this keeps my kids occupied for ages as they decide what they will do, where they will live and what they will wear. One adults can’t help joining in with.
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
Not Now Bernard by David McKee – certainly not the outcome you would expect in a children’s book.
Meg and Mog by Helen Nicholl and Jan Pienkowski - very simple but very memorable.

From Age 8-12
Fantastic Mr Fox, Matilda, George’s Marvellous Medicine and pretty much everything else by the wonderful Roald Dahl – cracking stories which appeal to children because of their irreverence and mischief.
The Happy Families Series by Janet and Allan Ahlberg (Mr Creep the Crook, Mr Constable the Policeman etc).
The Saga of Eric the Viking by Terry Jones - beautifully illustrated. My teacher read this to our enthralled class (beware of one page with Eric’s bottom showing though, the class went nuts)
The Reluctant Vampire by Eric Morecambe - very funny.
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and Superfudge by Judy Bloom
The Owl Service and The Wierdstone of Brisingamen by Alan Garner
Clive King - Stig of the Dump
Five Children and It by E Nesbit. Good old-fashioned style adventure
The Owl and the Pussycat and various limericks and drawings by Edward Lear – very silly and therefore just right for kids
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. As kids, me and my sisters thought the characters’ fit us perfectly; I think they still do.
The Borrowers, The Borrowers Afield, The Borrowers Afloat and The Borrowers Aloft by Mary Norton - I cannot imagine any child (or adult) not falling in love with this books and reading all four one after the other.
The Spider Anansi Stories
Tales of King Arthur and the myths of the Celts
1001 Arabian Nights (including the Sinbad stories)
Folk stories and mythology from around the world - open up their world.
The Diary of Ann Frank by Anne Frank
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee - takes a bit of patience to get into, but a rewarding read.
Are You There God. It’s Me, Margaret by Judy Blume.
The Wind on Fire Trilogy (The Wind Singer, Slaves of the Mastery, Firesong by William Nicholson – wonderfully unique tales.
His Dark Materials Trilogy (Northern Lights, The Subtle Knife, The Amber Spyglass) by Phillip Pullman – bit more cerebral than the Harry Potter books.
Ruby in the Smoke, Shadow in the North, Tiger in the Well, The Tin Princess by Phillip Pullman - series of books based on Victorian detective Sally Lockhart with great plots and a very plucky heroine.
My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell - hilarious and a must for animal-lovers.
Greek, Roman and Norse Myths. Great for giving them some culture

I would love to hear what were your favourites as children, what you love to share with your children and what your children’s favourites are.
ReplyDeleteCame across this web site....
Thought you might enjoy it...!
Let me know
I have book week this week too, im coming around to yours to see what bits you have for dressing up on friday! Oh and i have lots more classic book titles you can add to this entry.
ReplyDeleteGrowing up, I was always a die hard Enid Blyton fan...I think I have read almost all her books. My little sister is going that way too! :-)
ReplyDeleteDuring my mid teens I was hooked on the sweet valley series, princess diaries and Betty Neels novels. I wouldn't recommend these books to ANYONE however.They are far from reality! Your book list had given me the idea of introducing them to my sister.I think teens should also read the Anne of Green Gables series, it's soo...great.And definitely alllll Jane Austen novels :-)
Although I have started reading more meaningful books Alhamdulillah, but around here it's extremely difficult to find. Sometimes I feel so bad for wasting a lot of my time in my teens reading useless novels. Oh well, bygones are bygones...:-)
I visited the site, lovely to look at, still not decided what I htink about content, need a longer read.
how about a pirate?
Sister Thoughts Unchecked,
I have picked up a few Enid Blyton books for my children as I like some of the older children's books.
SVH!! My sister used to read them and we still tease her about that.
I put DWJ on my list and then took her off - I haven't read many of her books and none that I wanted to add tyo the list.
The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson and Alex Scheffler
ReplyDeleteTadpole's Promise - I forget the author
The Dr. Xargle books
They're all childrens books but all ages will love them!