I was hoping to spend some quality time with my better half, but its funny how your definition of quality time changes when you have children. My husband realised that I needed some time away from children, in-laws and housework and offered to take me to Southend-on-Sea – where he had a job picking up a sofa. I decided that ”beggars can’t be choosers” and went along, sleeping all the way there and giggling all the way back and feeding my soul on the vistas of greenery (fields, long winding country roads, blue skies, giant tanning studio’s – what? This is Essex we’re talking about – and yes I did see one, next to a country pub).
Anyway, that lightened my mood for the weekend (some people are so easily pleased) and I spent the rest of the weekend, planning to do lot’s of things – cleaning, crafting, studies with the kids, visiting, but didn’t actually end up doing very much. Oh, I did let the baby loose at the kitchen tap for a change, it was so hot, that I didn’t mind him getting soaked and he had a blast “washing up”. That was until I tried to drag him away and he threw a fit. He’s been pestering me to let him near the taps ever since, so maybe it wasn’t such a great idea after all.
Spent Sunday morning at a boot sale (this is starting to become a bad habit). A few of our friends with children have money-troubles, and one in particular, whose son we pick up from school with our children, commented to my mother-in-law a few days ago that she wished she could buy her boys some toy’s. Another has aspirations for her son to become a Doctor, but finds that all of her Doctor husband’s income goes on bills and rent. A third, a while back, was saying she felt terrible because when she took her boys out and they asked for things, she couldn’t provide them due to the fact that her income is nil right now. So I spent the morning looking for children’s dictionaries and encyclopaedia’s and educational toys. Didn’t find much, but I have a little booting mini-mission now.
Came back and promptly fell asleep (seem to be doing that a lot at the moment), which completely threw my whole day out of wack. I managed to buy myself some time by sending the kids into the garden to hunt out ripe strawberries and peas.
Little Lady overheard me telling my mother-in-law that there was another bazaar this week and promptly started making sad eyes at her dad. Next thing I knew, they were trundling off in hubby’s truck and were back again 20 minutes later. I asked the kids where they went and they told me that their dad gave them £1 each and sent them off to the women’-only bazaar while he waited outside. They promptly spent their money on ice-cream, realised they had none left for the bouncy castle and came back home. This totally tickled me, if I had tried this with my dad, he would have told me to go and play in the garden or go read a math’s book.
By half-way through Sunday I had a list of tasks planned: make biscuits for tea, prepare a nice meal, clean the bathroom, tidy the house, visit my mum, post something on this blog, putting some new flowers I had bought in the garden. All that happened was that I found myself getting into a flap. So I decided to forget the list, make a nice meal and relax. I ended up making everyone’s favourite comfort meal of rice and chicken and chopping up some Galia melon and strawberries to chill in the fridge for desert.
The thing is, that once you relax, you actually end up doing things quicker than if you get into a flap and try to hurry, so I ended up having enough time to visit my mum in the end anyway.
BTW, for those of you who e-mailed, I did get your parcels out:
Hope you like what you get.
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