I received a request for a baby girl card and came up with the collection below. These felt a little different to the cards I had made before and I felt happier with them.
The lady who asked for the card chose this one:

This was my favourite:

This one came in handy when we went to visit a new baby this week:

I really enjoyed trying some new arrangements and techniques. The only problem now is trying to make a little time for card-making and some space for the new table hubby has found me.
Asalaamu Alaikum
ReplyDeleteI just had a baby girl recently and I really like the second and fifth one.
Walaikam-assalam Sister,
ReplyDeleteJazakh'Allah-khiarun for your kind comment and mabrook on your baby girl - there is a campaign going on in my house (hubby and especially daughter) for a new baby girl, it's kind of making me broody too!
Assalamu alaykum
ReplyDeleteDespite my original plan, I couln't resist making use of the fab card stuff you sent. Will take pictures and inshallah email you them. Now that I've got that card making itch, I can't resist making some more but I am stuck for inspiration, so hope you don't mind, I may take some from your cards that you've made. Personally, I feel that these are the best ones you have made so far, they are really nice.