The imam presiding did a great job and made a lovely speech. What caught my attention though were his daughters; four little girls ranging from about six to twelve or so. Simply dressed, heads covered and very shy looking amongst all the glamour and noise, they were like a powerful flashback to my childhood.
My dad was a religious man alhamdulillah and insisted we cover our heads from our early teens. My parents were simple and despite my mum’s love of good clothing, she had no idea of fashion or the latest styles. They were also on a tight budget with the recession in the 80’s leaving them in a tight spot for some time.
I distinctly remember going to weddings and seeing all the girls looking super-stylish (to my then young eyes) and feeling out of place and wanting to hide under the table. At this wedding the tables were turned, we sisters and cousins were the show-stoppers (Kooky Little Sister with her blingy Oscar-dress getting ripped to shreds in various places!) and these little girls looked shy and modest.
Mash’Allah their humility and naivety touched something in me; it reminded me that a person should not forget their roots or origins. It made me think that they were better than us because they were still humble and gentle and Allah (SWT) loves both those things. I know those girls will one day be strong, confident, stylish Muslimah’s insh’Allah, but it’s nice that their simple, pious start in life will keep them grounded insh’Allah and one day perhaps remind them what is important in life.

Sweet post! Loved it.