Little Lady sometimes gives me heaps of attitude and I worry about the affect of modern life and culture which seeps into young childrens consciousness no matter how much you try to protect them (High School Musical, Bratz, Hannah Montana, the obsession with weight and looks...). But I was pleasantly surprised when I got home from work today. She had washed the lunch dishes, changed her little brothers clothes and had been taking him to the bathroom mash'Allah. She absolutely insisted in doing the dinner dishes which Little Man dutifully carried to her one plate and spoon at a time (some whilst the person was still eating).

I often tell her she is the lady of the house in my absence and she seems to have taken it to heart saying she is the little mummy of the house. I almost felt guilty, until I recalled I was exactly the same age when Fashionista Sister was born and I used to help with feeding her and changing her nappies. I remember I used to like to think she was my baby.
It kind of freaks me out how big she has gotten already mash'Allah. I am also doing a double-take at how long her hair looks in this picture, I never did get to cutting it and can't bring myself to now, maybe a trim before Eid...
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