Friday, 17 February 2012

Friday Brekkie

I bought myself a juicer at the end of last year and have been making myself some interesting concoctions. After trying various ingredients (apples, pears, celery, spinach, kale, blackberries, pomegranate, blueberries, cranberries), and enduring two days of nasty cramps in the beginning, I have settled on apples, celery and carrots. At some point I will get some books from the library and do some research for what is the best, but this is okay for now.

With the healthy stuff out of the day, because I had the day off work, we made pancakes for breaakfast. I used Delia Smith' s recipe here and added plenty of sugar.

Some turned out rounder than others, but all tasted good, and we had soooo much fun flipping these (as the bunched-up evidence below shows).

Why is it though, that whenever we try anything new it means piles and piles of dishes. I especially love how they wedge the dishes and pans in right up to the tap! Any way I am going to enjoy the pancakes and think about the dishes later (maybe Saturday or something).


  1. Asalaamu Alaikum

    Right up to the tap! Boy can I relate. Which is why I've been asking dh to get the kind of tap they have nowadays that is really high from the sink. I think you know what I mean...they are on all the design shows.

  2. Nice and convenient, seeing as it's Pancake Day tomorrow!
